Why now is the perfect time to start your web project

Covid-19 has had an incalculable effect on businesses all over the world. It’s forced us to change the way we live, the way we work, and the way we do business.
It’s fair to say that right now, it’s nobody’s ideal world. But in trying times like these, the most successful businesses are emerging as the ones who find ways to adapt to the changes, and the lull surrounding the current crisis makes it the perfect time to focus your energy on digital projects.
Web design and web development projects often require a lot of care and attention to get right, and it can be difficult to find the hours when you’re running a business full time. But if you’re amongst the many millions of people currently working from home, you now have the freedom to focus on your digital projects without any concern around disruption to normal business operations. Don’t squander it!
It’s also worth bearing in mind that social distancing and self-isolation are driving a massive shift to online browsing and shopping, putting the focus more squarely on the digital shopfronts of many businesses, rather than their brick-and-mortar premises. For many businesses, digital is providing a vital lifeline to compensate for the closure of their physical premises.
So if your website is a little slow, or the design is a little dated, when has there ever been a better time to upgrade it?
Whatever you’ve got in mind for your web design or development project, you can always count on us to be here to help. We’re still online, and ready to support you with whatever project you have in mind.
Plus, don’t forget that since we’re in April now, there’s also the upcoming Magento 1 deadline to consider. By June 2020, all support for Magento 1 will end, so if you’re still using it for your e-commerce site by then, it could quickly develop security vulnerability issues, and won’t be PCI compliant as a result. With the looming deadline in mind, that makes the current lull a perfect opportunity to make the switch to Magento 2.
Many of our e-commerce clients are already taking the opportunity to upgrade their sites from Magento 1 to Magento 2, so if that’s something you’re considering, please get in touch with Sam on sam@21digital.agency, or 07903 122 531. For anything else, don’t hesitate to contact us – we’re here to help!